Jay F. Moritz
Contact Information
Several Ways to Reach my Office
You may contact me in person, by mail, telephone, fax, and by E-mail at: 2600 S.W. Military Dr. Suite 118, San Antonio, Texas 78224 Telephone: (210)928-9999
NOTE: The content on this web site is
designed for informational purposes only. The information presented on
this site should not be construed as formal legal advice and use of the
information, by itself, does not form an attorney-client relationship.
Further, no electronic communication with any attorney will form an
attorney-client relationship or privilege. DO NOT DISCUSS the specific
facts of your case via E-mail. E-mail is not a completely secure method
of transmission and thus E-mail may not be subject to the
attorney-client privilege.
FREE Parking is available for clients so they do
not have to worry about looking for parking spaces in the street or
parking lots.
Free parking for clients just outside our office building.
Payment Options and Policies:
I will work with you and accept payment plans, whenever, it becomes
necessary to help clients get over a financial, legal, personal or
family crisis.
I understand that legal problems are often accompanied by tough
financial situations that can cause a burden on loved ones.
Lets talk candidly during your initial visit and let me try to help.
My initial client conferences up to one half (1/2) hour are free.

2600 S.W. Military Dr. Suite #118, San Antonio, Texas 78224